Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Growing Baby
Kaelyn is nearing one years old. I can't believe it!! It hardly seems possible. As the weeks go by, I see our little girl becoming more and more of a toddler right before my eyes. She's cruising around the furniture like crazy....and even lets go to reach for other objects. I feel that she's getting very close to walking on her own. She's also using her voice more, and making some words that are familiar to her. One of the most recent changes is her nap schedule. As she gets older, she seems to need less and less sleep. When she was very young, she needed about 4 naps a day. Now, after Monday, we decided to try one nap a day. She just didn't seem to need that morning nap anymore. of then she's only taking one afternoon nap a day. So far it's going really well! We'll see how she continues to handle it, but I definitely think it's working great.