Friday, January 6, 2012


Content by Mitch Osborne

I have become obsessed with crafts this Christmas season. I am all about finding the best and cheapest way to make decorations for my home and gifts to give people. I have been looking on the internet and watching shows with craft ideas. I recently sent my husband to to look into getting satelite TV. I want as many craft channels as possible so I can always have something to watch on TV! I have found some interesting ideas. My favorite this year are my lighted Christmas trees on my front porch. To buy these in a store they are usually around fifty dollars. I made both of mine for about thirty dollars. They are actually tomato cages that you turn upside down and wrap with garland and lights. I stuck mine in the pots on either side of my front door and they look so pretty and classy. I also made my wreath this year. I used my new favorite material for Christmas: deco mesh. It is so easy to use and instantly looks great on a wreath!