Friday, October 31, 2008

Allegro Medical

Have you ever heard of Allegro Medical before? They are a company that serves over 1 million customers, and continue to grow as we speak. Not surprisingly, they are one of the largest and most technologically advanced, independent online retailers life enhancing products in the US. So what do they have to offer you? Well....they have everything from exercise and fitness equipment/medical supplies and nutritional dietary supplements, to maternity and baby supplies! That's a broad range of products that almost anyone can benefit from. They have a very user friendly site which makes it easy to search through their 55,000 products. Check it out today if you're interested in learning more.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Camera

The other night we got out our camera wanting to take a picture and noticed that the LCD was cracked. We're not sure how it got that way, but were quite now the screen is unusable. The rest of the camera is in very good working condition, however not having the LCD screen kind of defeats the purpose of having such a nice camera in a way. I was a bit it was my birthday gift. Now we're in search for a new one already. Oh well...what can you do?!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Promises Treatment Centers

I'm sure like me, you've known someone who struggles with an addiction of some sort. Maybe you are the one struggling and in desperate need to find a treatment center that's right for you. If so, you may want to look into the Promises Treatment Center. They want to help you start the healing process by giving you the help you need. Whether it's co ocurring disorders or something else....they want to help. It's important to make sure that the rehab program you are a part of is right for you, so you definitely should check out their site to learn more.


It has been EXTREMELY windy here lately. I'm not sure why...but it really is hard to even catch your breath outside because the wind is blowing so hard. We have enjoyed taking Kaelyn out sometimes this Fally, but now with the temps dropping and the wind blowing it's getting harder to do that. I hope that this isn't a sign that winter is coming soon...I am not ready for that. I want a little bit of Fall longer.

Have you ever wanted to give to a good cause, but didn't know quite where to start? Well...look no further. All you h ave to do is go through the site, and download their AidMaker software. This will help you give to your favorite charities for free. How you ask? Well....all you have to do is shop online like you normally do and in more than 5000 online stores they will make a contribution to your charity out of themone you paid for the item. I thought this was just wonderful!! What an easy way to give to charities like Save the Children, Red Cross, Amnesty International, OXFAM and many others. They want to help to make the world a better place and are using the great resource of online shopping to do that. If' you'd like to learn more check out their site today!

Busy, Busy!

Wow...we've sure been busy lately. We had a very fun weekend visiting my brother for the weekend. Then we came home yesterday afternoon and cleaned the house, unpacked and then rearranged our family room. It was something we had been wanting to do for a while I'm really happy we finally just did it. It's really given us a lot more space which is great for Kaelyn who likes to play in there. I'll post pictures soon.....

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I was recently watching a new show called The Doctors....I'm not sure if you've seen it or not, but they were talking about different ways to lose weight. They were talking about different weight loss pill, surgeries, and other options. I guess what I got from the whole show was that it's not made for every body. You really need to know yourself and what would be best for you. It was really interesting to learn about and I look forward to learning more.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Baby Earth Strollers

When we first had Kaelyn, I remember one of our biggest dilemmas as far as what to buy, was a stroller! We had one that came with our car seat, however it just wasn't doing what we needed it to. In all honesty, it seemed a bit cheap. We looked and looked and just couldn't find one that we liked. Then, my parents came back from a trip to Texas with a stroller for us! They had bought us one of the Chicco strollers that can be found on the Baby Earth site! What I like best about this site is the variety of good strollers they have to offer. I wish that I would have thought to look on here, but I'm glad my parents did! I took a look and really am impressed with their quality products.

So what's so great about their strollers besides the quality? Well...whether it's a regular stroller you're looking for, a buggy, a jogging stroller, or even a double stroller, they have it all! Their designs are so innovative and practical which I really appreciate as a parent. If you'd like to learn more about them, just head over to their site today.

Visiting My Brother

I can't believe it's Thursday already! It seems like it was just the weekend, and now it's almost the weekend again. I LOVE weeks like this! I'm especially looking forward to this weekend because we may go down to see my brother. We haven't been down to visit him for a very long time and I know he'd appreciate the company. I look forward to spending the weekend down there if we go. It will be fun just catchup and relax. Hopefully it will work out so we can go.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bluetooth Headset

I used to have a Bluetooth headset, but didn't find that I used it much. Now however, I have a job where I am unable to answer my phone unless I have a headset. So...needless to say I am in search for one again. I sold my old one, and am now on ebay looking for one that I would like. So far I haven't had any luck...but with time I'm sure I'll find one.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Birthday Girl

Today I am one year older and it's crazy how fast the past year has gone! Isn't it weird to think back over the last year and all that has gone on in a fairly short period of time?? So much has changed in my life over the past year. The most memorable, and happiest day in the past year was definitely the birth of our daughter, Kaelyn!! She is our first child and has brought into our lives so much joy! I am truly blessed!! Last year at this time we were anticipating her arrival...and wondering when she would decide to enter this world and meet us! She decided to hold off until November 1st...but it was all worth the wait just to hold her in our arms!! :)

So far my birthday has started off perfectly....with kisses from my hubby and daughter and a sweet gift they got for me! I've been eyeing a super cute purse in our local mall for quite some time...and I guess Scott realized that. He surprised me with one of the purses that I have been wanting...what a sweet guy! I'm very luck to have him as my husband!! :) Seeing how my birthday is in the middle of the week like this...Scott had to work. But, I'm still looking forward to a night spent with him and Kaelyn later, just relaxing and enjoying a peaceful evening at home. This is my idea of the perfect birthday!!

You enjoy using search engines? If so, you may or may not have heard about the Search Engine. They are a recently launched consumer search engine. They offer a written directory from experts. I found it to be new and well as very interesting and informative. What I liked best about it is how user friendly it was. It was also very fast and accurate which is great as well. In my opinion there are many benefits to using this search engine over others out there. The first of which is simply that it's SO easy to remember the I mean, who couldn't remember that, right?! The easy part, which is also a favorite of mine, is that you can just enter and find what you're looking for without searching. You'll simply get a directory of results. Isn't that great?!? I told you it's new and different! Why don't you take a moment and check it out. You'll be impressed with their 500 articles and easy to use format. Use it to Find People, Find Jobs, or Find Friend. I have a feeling you'll want to tell everyone about it too once you've tried it.


Fall Weather

It's weird to look outside and see the leaves on the ground. It doesn't seem like it can already be that time of year again, does it?!? I know fall is supposedly here now, but we were already feeling fall weather before August was even over this year. That's just WAY too early in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love the cooler weather....but to have the bitter cold nights and the leaves already falling....that's just crazy. I just hope winter doesn't come too soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Have you ever heard of ShopWiki before? I hadn't until just recently, but found it to be a very helpful site and thought many others would as well. What they are is a site that finds every store on the web that crawls the net similar to the way Google does. I guess that's the best comparison to make. What I like about them is that they show all stores, not only those that have paid them to put their store on there. It's a convenient way to find EVERYTHING you would ever need.

So maybe you're looking for something baby related. This is probably what I would search for most having a little baby now. If this is a category that you might be looking under, you'd head over to their site, click on the Babies and Toddlers category and then find the product you're looking for. Maybe it's a car seat, or possibly a diaper bag. Or, maybe you're looking for a Laptop computer?! This is the site to go to if that's the case. You'll find a helpful buying guide and everything you would need to make a decision.What's great is when you click on something specific, you're given "things to look" for...and a truly helpful guide to buying. I thought it was great. It definitely saved me time searching through hundreds of stores individually. Check it out and see what you think today.

Playing in the Leaves

We sure had a nice weekend. Saturday was pretty busy, but Sunday we had a nice time taking Kaelyn outside to play in the leaves for the first time. It was neat to see her exploring and playing. She was crawling around in the leaves, and even attempting eat them...thankfully we caught her before she did that every time! :) She also had fun playing Peek a Boo by the tree and listening to the leaves crackle below her feet. What a sweet little girl. I'm looking forward to taking her outside again sometime soon.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Stuff With Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with Kaelyn, I had terrible headaches almost the entire time. I knew that it was a hormonal thing...and being pregnant I couldn't take much for medication. I had to struggle through them daily almost. Pregnancy also brings about acne. Thankfully I didn't have this problem, but I know many women do. There again, you can take medication like Triclear or anything like you're stuck trying the natural methods that may or may not work. I guess it's good that it's only 9 months...then things kind of get back to normal.

Holsted Jewelers

I don't know about you, but I sure love jewelry. I like fancy jewelry, as well as everyday jewelry like fashion jewelry. I came across holsted Jewelers and was impressed with all that they had to offer. I've been looking for jewelry like that which they offer on their site. Their site makes it SO easy to search for the pieces of jewelry that you well as the price range you're looking to spend in. I am happy that I came across them and wanted to pass their site along in case others wanted to take a look as well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Busy, Busy!

The nights just fly by! Scott gets home around 5:30, but by the time we get supper made, eat, feed Kaelyn and get her to's already 8:00. Then we always have clean up to do and other work to get done around the house. It's really never ending. By the time we actually get to sit down and rest, it's bed time. Oh well... I guess I'd rather be busy then to have nothing to do all the time. Although, it would be nice just to have a night or two when we could relax and enjoy each other's company more.


Scott came home from work pretty excited tonight. He found out that he'll be getting his computer next week, and his work vehicle in the next couple of weeks. He's been waiting for a month and is very ready to have them. He has a truck he drives right now, but it's older and does not allow him to do his job to the best of his ability. It's far too small. I'm happy that he's finally getting the things he we're just waiting on the business cards.

Mark and Associates

Mark and Associates, P.C. are a leading personal injury law firm. You may have heard of them, especially recently. If you haven't been keeping up with the presidential candidates, then you probably haven't heard that they applaud Senator Brack Obama for supporting the federal law, the Jones Act, which offers compensation to seamen who have been hurt on the job. If you have been keeping updated on the campaign, then you may have heard this news already. Obama has also been endorsed by the Seafarers International Union who have sent a letter to Obama about this. You can learn more about this and the maritime lawsuit at and

Turning on the Heat

Tonight we're going to start turning on the heat. We haven't had to do this at night yet...but this morning when we woke up and found that the house was 66 degrees we thought we better least so it doesn't get below 68 or so. We're thinking more of Kaelyn than ourselves when it comes to we can bundle up and sleep just fine. However, Kaelyn is still young enough where she moves all over her crib and can't cover herself back up as easily. We want her to be comfortable and warm enough so we'll see how turning on the heat goes.

Paying Bills Online

I was doing bills today and started appreciating the fact that I have many of my bills taken directly out of my checking account each month. It makes my job easier....having fewer checks to write, and fewer stamps to buy. In fact, over the years I've added more and more bills to the "easy pay" option and love it!! We began with our auto insurance being taken out...and now some of our student loans and even our cable bill. If you don't have any of your bills taken out automatically, you should look into's great!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Baby Products

Wow....before having Kaelyn I had no idea that there were so many baby products out there! I mean, there's something for everyone, isn't there?!? There are some really creative, and experienced people who have come up with some of the products for sale today. It really helps to make the lives of parents more convenient. I would say the only things that haven't changed much are diaper bags...although those from Ju Ju Be are quite nice and unique....and probably some of the toys that are still available. Other than that, at least since I was a seems like everything has changed in style, name it. I wonder what they'll come up with next?!?

Great New Job!

With Scott's new job he has lots of perks! The benefits he gets are incredible. With his last job there were many things that he wasn't able to being an allowance for work clothing and the other being much time off. This job is completely different. He has great ours, great vacation time available, a gas expense account, as well as an allowance for work uniforms. It helps us financially when his job will pay for some of these things. The only thing that they don't offer is money for shoes. Scott is in sales, so he's on his feet a lot. Tonight I think we're going to go to the mall and see if we can't find him a pair of shoes. Hopefully we'll be able to find something reasonably priced and nice.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Auto Body Shops

Somedays I don't think life could get any busier. I am sure it could...but it just feels that way sometimes when I'm trying to balance everything. I have found that I multitask a lot, as well as find the fastest way to get things done. For instance, I use the internet for many things, communication, bills, shopping etc. I even do searching online. Like, if I need to find a local body shop in my town, I simply get online, look through maps and reviews and ratins and find the right one for me at It's so easy and makes life much easier that way. Now I can get online and find estimates and make appointments for the downey body shop all from my computer. It doesn't get much easier than that, now, does it?!

Is Winter Around the Corner?

It's really cold out the past few days. You can definitely tell that Fall is officially here. The leaves are beginning to fall and the temps are dropping....a typical Fall here in the Midwest. I have to say that I don't mind watching the leaves turn colors this time of year...but I do not like this cold weather at all. You'd think I would be used to it after living here my whole life, but I am not!! It's miserable having to put on layers just go outdoors. I hope that this isn't a sign winter is on it's way....