Thursday, April 12, 2007

Passion Of the Christ

My husband and I watch the Passion of the Christ movie every year around Easter time. It's the most moving movie I've ever seen and helps remind me of exactly what Christ has done for me. He lived, He died, and He ROSE AGAIN! He took my sin and my pain upon Himself so that I could be saved and can live eternally with Him one day! Isn't He amazing?!?!! How exciting to know that because I have given Him my life, putting my faith and trust in Him completely, and through acceptance of Him and believing in Him I will spend eternity in Heaven with Him one day!!:) I am just speechless when I think of all He's done for us, how much He loves us, and how much He continues to do for us everyday! With that said, I recently came across a short clip from YouTube that I wanted to share with everyone...remember what Christ has done for you, not only this time of year, but throughout the entire year and surrender your life to Him...He is the "way, the truth and the life"; and NO man will come unto the Father but by Him!(John 14:6) He's the only way!!