Often times it can be very difficult to find the things that you need for your computer, because it is either out dated or you don't have a store that offers what you need. Search no more for a place to find the odds and ends that you need. Xoxide.com was founded in early 2000 with a goal of providing the best computer case and computer cooling accessories available. They have been leading the cooling and modification industry, and vow to always provide the most cutting edge products. They ship their products throughout the US and Canada, and are located just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Xoxide.com offers a huge variety of computer power supplies including standard power supplies, modular power supplies, and light up power supplies. This is but a snapshot of our computer power supply section, as these power supplies and more are available in a variety of colors and wattages. Xoxide.com is a site dedicated to unique computer cases and case mods. The site caters to gamers worldwide. They have a large variety of cases, including clear, aluminum, window and even custom cases. Check out the new, Thermaltake A2413 7in Touch Screen LCD Display For Mozart TX. I'm being paid for this post.