If you, or someone you know is looking to get a credit card. You must always read the fine print! There are traps in the fine print that you must be aware of before you decide to use a credit card from certain lenders. For instance, watch for those words "o% APR" and "fixed APR". The words in bold print like this aren't always what you think they mean...so it's very important to ALWAYS read the fine print. There's more information about the traps that can be found in the fine print of credit card terms and conditions, and information on how you can learn how to choose a credit card on the Careonecredit.com website. Check them out for more information.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Credit Cards
Has anyone else noticed how easily a credit card is used these days. Part of the reason is because they are given out so easily. When I was in college I couldn't believe all the credit cards I was offered. Thankfully I had been raised to understand the dangers of credit cards and why using them responsibly was so important. I definitely think that credit cards can be used in an emergency situation....but it's important that the credit card users always know how they are going to pay that money back in a timely manner. I've always made sure to use my credit card sparingly and it's worked out great for me. If people begin to allow themselves to use credit cards flexibly...it's very easy to get into debt and have their finances go out of control! That's when credit counseling is necessary.
If you, or someone you know is looking to get a credit card. You must always read the fine print! There are traps in the fine print that you must be aware of before you decide to use a credit card from certain lenders. For instance, watch for those words "o% APR" and "fixed APR". The words in bold print like this aren't always what you think they mean...so it's very important to ALWAYS read the fine print. There's more information about the traps that can be found in the fine print of credit card terms and conditions, and information on how you can learn how to choose a credit card on the Careonecredit.com website. Check them out for more information.
If you, or someone you know is looking to get a credit card. You must always read the fine print! There are traps in the fine print that you must be aware of before you decide to use a credit card from certain lenders. For instance, watch for those words "o% APR" and "fixed APR". The words in bold print like this aren't always what you think they mean...so it's very important to ALWAYS read the fine print. There's more information about the traps that can be found in the fine print of credit card terms and conditions, and information on how you can learn how to choose a credit card on the Careonecredit.com website. Check them out for more information.