Thursday, August 23, 2007
Memory Walk
Alzheimer's is a disease that we seem to hear more and more about. It's such a sad disease, and one that I feel we need to raise awareness of and do more research on. The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk is the largest event out there that's used to raise awareness and fund so that we can support this cause and do more research on this disease. I would love to someday understand it better, as my grandma has Alzheimer's. This even that the Alzheimer's Association puts on is held every year across the nation. Volunteers are asked to come and help join in this fight against such a sad disease. What they've done is actually quite they've raised over 225 million dollars in the past 18 years. To keep up this good work, The Alzheimer's Association needs Team Captains. Does being a team captain sound like something you'd be interested in doing? If so, then you should definitely look into it. What a great cause you'd be walking working for! Being a team captain is so very important to this cause! Without a Team Captain there would be no walk. The benefit of becoming one is that you are working with others to help fight this disease. As a leader you are building a drive in others to help fight against this disease as well. Each team that comes together means that we're one step closer to finding a cure. I think it's so important because it's something close to my heart with my grandma having it. It's a terrible disease, one that we need to find a cure for soon. Doing this memory walk is the best way to do that in my opinion.